What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by a high level of glucose, resulting from defects in the body’s ability to produce or use insulin. Obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and a sedentary lifestyle are some of the risk factors for people with diabetes.
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), diabetes is clinically divided into 4 types:
- Type 1 diabetes, with absolute insulin deficiency, sometimes defined as insulin-dependent.
- Type 2 diabetes, where there is both resistance to the action and decreased secretion of insulin, called non-insulin dependent.
- Gestational diabetes, which is diagnosed during pregnancy.
- Other specific types of diabetes for various reasons, for example: genetic defect, disease of the pancreas, due to drugs, etc.
Some of the recommendations that have been established worldwide to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes are weight loss, a varied and balanced diet, and moderate physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week.
Control diabetes and enjoy your everyday life
Blood glucose control is fundamental since a state of chronic hyperglycemia leads to a series of generalized organic problems. Such as altered metabolism of sugars, proteins and lipids, weight, skin, blood pressure, circulation, decreased vision, kidney impairment, neuromotor disturbances, oxidative stress, among others.
It is important that diabetics establish control indicators and habits for a good quality of life:
Glycemia in diabetics
Establishing a routine of measuring blood glucose is key to the treatment of diabetes. Natural ingredients that contribute to blood glucose control include Cinnamon and Chromium, which have been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels in individuals with Type 2 diabetes.
Vision in diabetics
Periodic ophthalmological check-ups of the condition of the retina are especially important in order to prevent, detect and successfully treat any type of complication. The Spanish Society of Diabetes recommends that in Type 1 diabetics, check-ups should be annual (from five years after diagnosis). And in Type 2 diabetics from the beginning of the diagnosis and periodically depending on the risk. The eye is constantly subjected to oxidative stress because it is a photosensitive organ, and that is why it is important to include antioxidant ingredients such as vitamins, carotenes, etc. in the diet.
Bones, joints and skin in diabetics
One of the complications of diabetes is the change in metabolism, which maintains the structure of the connective tissues that form the skin, bones and joints. In addition to dietary care and treatment, exercise, good hydration (which also helps the kidney), and monitoring the condition of the extremities. Especially the feet, should be included.
There are natural options that can help in this care such as vitamins E and D, minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, and moisturizing oils that promote skin maintenance.
Cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetics
Among diabetics, an imbalance in lipid levels is very common, leading to atherosclerotic problems, weight loss and increased oxidative stress. A diet adapted to the person’s diabetic profile contributes to improving and normalizing these indicators.
Nutritional supplements based on Omega 3 are very beneficial for the normal maintenance of triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and also for heart function.
Blood pressure in diabetics
Controlling and maintaining a blood pressure of about 130/80 decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems. Combining healthy lifestyle habits (diet and physical activity) with the support of natural alternatives such as garlic, promotes cardiovascular function and the maintenance of normal blood circulation.
Metabolism in diabetics
In people with diabetes there is a metabolic imbalance that affects their weight and alters organ function. This imbalance affects important organs such as the kidney, due to its elevated elimination of proteins and ketone bodies. Again, an adequacy and control of the diet and food supplements are essential to maintain the functioning of our body.
Among the natural alternatives that can supplement a healthy diet are Royal Jelly and Propolis. Their nutritional contribution (vitamins, minerals, sugars suitable for diabetics, essential fatty acids, phenols, among others), complements a healthy diet and provides extra energy in special situations.
Food for diabetics
People with diabetes should distribute their food intake properly throughout the day and avoid eating high amounts of carbohydrates and fats. That’s why sugar and salt substitutes are excellent choices for proper diabetes control. Stevia (a natural sugar substitute), sucralose (artificial sweetener) and potassium salt are the most widely recommended by medical societies.
- Anderson, R., Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1998.
- Allen, R. et al, Ann. Fam. Med., 2013.
- Kim, Y., Nutrients, 2016.
- Spanish Foundation for Diabetes.
- Spanish Society for Diabetes.
- Zorrilla-García, A., Bioquimia, 1999.