Cellulite is a term used to describe the dimpled appearance caused by fat deposits in the adipose tissue. As a result, the water in the surrounding region is compressed and causes the skin to swell. That is to say that fat is stored in adipose cells provoking their deformation and growth, pressing the blood and lymph vessels that surround them.
Why does cellulite appear?
No one is born doomed to suffer from cellulite. Neither men nor women. In fact, adipocytes are basically the same between both sexes. It is the hormonal system that causes the differences to appear with the arrival of puberty.
Propensity to accumulate fat
And in the case of women, one of those differences is the propensity to accumulate fat as a result of the stimuli that their hormones send to adipocytes .
After all, fat plays an essential role in the reproduction of the species. Nature has ensured that women store in their bodies the necessary energy to face stages such as pregnancy or lactation.
It has been found that both low fertility and sterility are more frequent in thin women or with highly developed muscle mass than in meat entrees. It must be clarified that this is not a determining fact since there are women who they have given birth to several children and have never had cellulite.
Diet and exercise to combat cellulite
Controlling cellulite requires prevention and perseverance. The first measure to take is to adopt an adequate diet since there is a close relationship between the amount of toxins accumulated in the body and the appearance of cellulite.
In general, the most suitable foods are those that provide few calories and have diuretic properties , thus favoring the activity of the kidneys.
Proper nutritional habits
- You have to start by restricting the consumption of alcohol, coffee, sweets and salt ; the first three because they hinder the cleansing work of the liver and in the case of sweets they contain simple sugars that are quickly absorbed.
- As for salt , because it promotes fluid retention; it is advisable to replace it with lemon or aromatic herbs.
- In addition , we will avoid saturated animal fats (butter, sausages) and we will eat above all foods rich in fiber such as legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
- We must cook with olive oil in moderate proportions and drink at least two liters of water between meals.
- And dairy products, recommended for their calcium intake, must be skimmed.
Diuretic Products
Follow a diuretic diet rich in potassium (endives, aubergines, nuts, mushrooms, bananas, brewer’s yeast, fruits) and take infusions that help you eliminate fluid, such as green tea or sage, a great ally for women.
Along with diet, exercise also plays an important role. Walking, bicycling, or running tone the muscles in the legs and hips. Along with weights and massages, they are the most recommended to help combat cellulite. The buttocks and legs can also be highly favored by swimming.
Hot and cold water baths
Another recommended remedy is to alternate hot and cold baths for fifteen minutes on the legs -or the whole body- to stimulate circulation in tired legs .
If your legs ache, your ankles swell at the end of the day or you have varicose veins, baths provide a gratifying relaxation to help us rest and recover. And they can also be complemented by soaking the legs in water with iodized salt.