Evening primrose زهرة الربيع المسائية

What is Evening Primrose and what is it used for?

Evening primrose (Oenethera biennis), also called primrose, comes from the Greek “Oïnos” (wine) and “Ther” (wild animal). An old legend used to attribute to this plant the property of taming    wild animals provided it had been previously macerated in wine.

The Evening Primrose plant and its seeds have been used by Native Americans for centuries. They used the plant as an infusion in hot water for wounds, skin problems and even respiratory problems. Evening primrose only made its appearance in Europe in the 18th century.

This plant grew near the ports where the earth mounds were unloaded; then it slowly spread throughout Europe. At first, the flowers were used to decorate embankments and railways. Later, evening primrose was used for its therapeutic virtues.

On the American continent it was used for its strong smell, for example, hunters rubbed their shoes with evening primrose to hide their own smell and thus they could more easily approach the animals.

Nutritional value of evening primrose oil

From evening primrose seeds, after a first cold pressing, a rare and valuable oil extremely rich in essential fatty acids (EFA) is obtained. It contains mainly linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. These fatty acids are called essential because our body is not able to produce them by itself, so they must be included in our diet every day.

Essential fatty acids play a key role in our body: they provide energy, isolate the nerves, help maintain body temperature, are part of cellular structures and are important for metabolism. In addition, from them, very important molecules called prostaglandins are produced in the body.

5 reasons to take evening primrose oil

The fatty acids contained in evening primrose oil play a significant role in multiple metabolic reactions and have essential functions in the human body. Here are some reasons to include evening primrose oil in your diet:

Metabolic well-being

The fatty acids in evening primrose oil play an important role in the synthesis of molecules known as prostaglandins. These compounds participate in numerous metabolic pathways, including the regulation of the effects of female hormones in the menstrual cycle and the control of normal skin oil production.

Maintenance of normal skin

The high content of fatty acids in evening primrose oil supports the lipid structure of the skin, especially the skin barrier, and provides normal skin hydration. EFSA (ON HOLD 1550) states that Oenotheria biennis contributes to the maintenance of normal skin.

Relief of premenstrual syndrome

A high percentage of women of reproductive age report experiencing premenstrual symptoms (up to 85%). Evening primrose oil, according to EFSA ON HOLD (693,694,1551), contributes to the relief of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle.

Cognitive performance

A balanced diet provides the appropriate amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids that maintain good cognitive performance, and including evening primrose oil can support this.

Cardiovascular well-being

Essential fatty acids play an important role in lipid profile, with omega-3 fatty acids having shown to reduce triglyceride and LDL levels and increase HDL levels. A study conducted by Khorshidi, M. et al. in 2020 found that supplementation with evening primrose oil supported cardiovascular well-being in subjects with elevated lipid levels.

Evening primrose for menstrual cycle discomfort

Many researches carried out in the last 20 or 30 years in different countries show the benefits of evening primrose in the menstrual cycle discomfort. This menstrual period causes a lot of discomfort: abdominal bloating, increased bleeding and excessive flow, headaches, vomiting, general bloating, irritability with mood swings, anxiety crises, depression, anxiety, among others.

Mar-Vitoil Evening Primrose Oil capsules

Mar-Vitoil contains pure Evening Primrose oil extracted by cold-pressing Oenothera biennis seeds, what provides a minimum gamma-linolenic acid and linoleic acid content of 10% and 68%, respectively, as well as natural vitamin E. MARNYS® Mar-Vitoil is the ally for the general well-being of contemporary adult women. GLA is rapidly incorporated into cell membranes as phospholipids, participating in the production of prostaglandins and in metabolic pathways.


About Saudi Arabia MARNYS®

MARNYS® – MARTÍNEZ NIETO, S.A manufactures and distributes natural products. Our commitment to supplying effective natural products has ensured MARNYS® continual growth.We have been able to position ourselves in the sector as one of the suppliers with the highest quality in natural products. We believe that these are healthier and more effective than synthetics.Our insistence on natural factors is one of the great values that makes us stand out from the rest of the nutrition and natural beauty market where the use of synthetic products is uncontrollable.