Sudden changes in temperature can affect the condition of our skin. For example, in winter, our skin is exposed to the cold of the street, the heat of the heating system atRead More…
Breakfast: the best way to start the morning
Eating breakfast is about looking after our diet to protect our health, prevent illnesses and satisfy ourselves. Many people miss breakfast, using any of the following excuses for not making it partRead More…
Food poisoning – What to do in such cases?
The summer season allows us to change the pace of life, make the good weather more enjoyable, eat out with friends and family, spend days outdoors in the countryside, on the beachRead More…
Citronella: the natural repellent against mosquitoes
With the heat comes the annoying mosquitoes prepared to bite the whole family, but there are plants in nature that are repellent to mosquitoes, such as basil, lavender or citronella, capable ofRead More…
World Health Day: our care is a task for all
For 70 years now, April 7th is a synonym for health. It was established by the First World Health Assembly in 1948, and this is how it is known today. Why isRead More…
The vaccination service is available free of charge at Al-Dawaa pharmacies
At MARNYS®, we support each and every one of the measures aimed to ending the COVID-19 epidemic in order to return to normality as soon as possible. The vaccination service is availableRead More…
Foods for the immune system and defenses: what to eat
Keeping our digestive system in good shape significantly helps our immune system. An inadequate diet, with a shortage of fiber and an excess of fried foods and saturated fats, excessive intake ofRead More…
Habits and nutrients that help male fertility and sexual performance
The most common cause of infertility in men is poor semen quality, i.e. too few or not enough sperm. It may also be caused by anatomical disorders, damage or disorders in ejaculation,Read More…
Strengthen your Defenses and the Immune System
Food plays an important role in the development and preservation of the immune system. It is essential to have a balanced and adequate diet so that the immune system’s ability to actRead More…
Flu or cold? Keys to differentiate them and natural remedies
Cold or flu? Both diseases, which are very usual in autumn and winter, have some of the same symptoms (cough, sneezing, mucus, fever, joint pain, headaches…) but some others are different. CanRead More…